Este control permite ocultar el contenido debido a una determinada definición de seguridad. La solución anterior ocultaba en el lado del cliente (style.display='none') el contenido, ahora lo hace desde el servidor.
<SharePoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl PermissionsString="AddAndCustomizePages, ManageLists" runat="server">
<%--content %>
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Useful attributes of the control:
- PermissionContext - against which user permissions will be tested
(possible values: CurrentSite, CurrentList, CurrentFolder, CurrentItem or RootSite)
- PemissionMode - does the user have to meet all role definitions or just one of them
(possible values: All or Any)
- PermissionsString - what permissions does the user need to see the content - can enter some values separated by comma
(possible values are from the enumeration SPBasePermissions:
AddAndCustomizePages, ApplyThemeAndBorder,ApplyStyleSheets,ViewUsageData,CreateSSCSite,
ManageSubwebs,CreateGroups, ManagePermissions,BrowseDirectories,BrowseUserInfo,AddDelPrivateWebParts,
UpdatePersonalWebParts,ManageWeb, UseClientIntegration,UseRemoteAPIs,ManageAlerts,CreateAlerts,
- AuthenticationRestrictions - allows to differ between authenticated and anonymous users
(possible values: AllUsers, AuthenticatedUsersOnly, AnonymousUsersOnly)
save, check-in, publish and there you go!
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