martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011

SharePoint 2010 Drop Off Library

Another new feature you may have seen in SharePoint 2010 is the drop folder this is basically a way to set up one folder for users to upload files to and it will automatically route the files to the appropriate locations that you have previously setup.

So how do we get this to work? Well it does need some setting up and the routing rules do need some configuring but well worth the effort. First of all from your site go to

Site Actions -> Site Settings -> Manage Site Features and activate the “Content Organizer” feature. After this is activated there are two new items under the site administration section these are “Content Organizer Settings” and “Content Organizer Rules”

As the names imply “Content Organizer Settings” are general site settings and “Content Organizer Rules” are where you set up individual rules for content types. All there is to do now is setup the rules that you wish to use, this took quite a bit of playing with the keep piece being specifying the conditions I will include a screen shot of my Docx rule so you can see how I achieved this, you will also have to create rules for all the file types that you want to route so on my test install I created two rules one for word files and one for Visio



Auditoria Sharepoint 2010 – Audit

Open up Site settings from your top level site and navigate to

Site Collection Administration | Site Collection Audit Settings

Once clicked you will see what you can set as illustrated below

This is broken down into 3 sections

Audit Log Trimming

  • Automatically trim the audit log for this site
  • specify the number of days of audit log data to retain
  • specify a location to store audit reports before trimming the audit log

Specify the events to audit

  • Opening or downloading documents, viewing items in lists, or viewing item properties
  • Editing items
  • Checking out or checking in items
  • Moving or copying items to another location in the site
  • Deleting or restoring items

Specify the events to audit

  • Editing content types and columns
  • Searching site content
  • Editing users and permissions

I have set up a new document library to store the log files but please be aware that this will generate a lot of files which are around 40MB each but it does give you the ability to see what is happening on your SharePoint farm at zero cost.

lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011

Abrir pdf de forma inmediata en Sharepoint – Open pdf directly

if you’ve installed SharePoint 2010, you may have noticed a change in behaviour of any PDF files that you may have stored. Previously, they would open directly in the browser, but now the user is prompted to save the file to the disk. This is due to a new security feature in IE8 that SharePoint 2010 respects.
In Internet Explorer 8, Microsoft added a security feature to prevent script injection vulnerabilities caused by buggy client software. This feature is activated by a new HTTP header called X-Download-Options which can be set to noopen. When that header is passed with a file attachment Internet Explorer 8 will not provide the option to directly open the file, instead you must first save the file locally and then open it.
SharePoint 2010 utilizes this enhanced security feature in IE 8 to block the opening of file types it considers vulnerable to scripting or other attacks, such as PDFs, HTML, etc. You can modify SharePoint's behavior by changing the Browser File Handling option in the Web Application General Settings of SharePoint 2010. Your options are Permissive and Strict, with strict being the default.

Multi-idioma en Sharepoint 2010 – Variations

Uno de los puntos débiles de la plataforma Sharepoint en sus versiones anteriores era la gestión del multi-idioma, o mejor dicho la falta de dicha posibilidad de gestión real.

Con la versión 2010 aparecen una serie de funcionalidades que sí nos van a posibilitar poder realizar despliegues de soluciones en multi-idioma. 

  1. Textos propios de la plataforma en multidioma : Teniendo desplegada la estructura de la plataforma en un idioma (el de instalación) podremos instalar paquetes de otros idiomas. Tras su activación aparecerá la opción de cambio de idioma que permitirá que sobre un mismo sharepoint cada usuario navegue en el idioma deseado estando las etiquetas de la plataforma debidamente traducidas. Una pega, aunque no muy grande, es que no todas la plantillas de sitio están preparadas para esto. Principalmente tienen este problema las plantillas de sitios de reuniones, pero al igual que en una reunión presencial todos los participantes utilizan un lenguaje común, parece lógico que en su espacio virtual hagan lo mismo. 
  2. Nombres de elementos creados por el usuario en multidioma : Los sitios de Sharepoint además de las opciones de la propia plataforma también tienen elementos que los propios usuarios crean y se utilizan para la navegación. Estamos hablando de nombres de sitios, de bibliotecas, de listas,... Mediante una especie de 'diccionario' el Sharepoint tendrá identificados los textos que no tiene traducidos y permitirá que un gestor pueda cargar las traducciones de los mismos para que la experiencia de navegación en diferentes idiomas sea la misma para todos.
  3. Multidioma de contenidos :  Esta gestión está pensada principalmente para contenidos web ya que planteárselo a nivel de todos los contenidos de una intranet es algo impensable, sobre todo cuando hablamos de una solución orientada a la gestión. La pega es que el mantenimiento de todos los contenidos en diferentes idiomas conlleva un enorme esfuerzo de traducción. Sí podríamos valorarlo cuando es una intranet de comunicación para los empleados a modo de web interna (en empresas multinacionales).

Workflows Video Sharepoint 2010

Create Workflow in SharePoint Designer 2010. – The workflow is created to Approve or Reject new products according to thier selling price.
See the Video below
Create Workflow with SharePoint Designer 2010

Creating Workflow using Visual Studio 2010 – The workflow in the below video will be a Site Workflow which can be run one time to approve\reject all the products in the products list which has selling price more $4000.
Creating Workflow using Visual Studio 2010

Sharepoint 2010 Tutorial Videos

SharePoint 2010 Out-of-box Webparts – In this Video you will see how to use Out-of-Box Sharepoint 2010 webparts.
See the Video at SharePoint 2010 build-in Webparts

Create Visual WebPart in SharePoint 2010 – In this Video presenter will show you how to create a simple Visual WebPart in SharePoint 2010. If you need the Introdcution to the WebParts in SharePoint 2010, please see my post @Sharepoint 2010 WebPart Tutorial
See the video at Visual WebPart for SharePoint 2010.

Create a Sandbox Soltuion WebPart – In this Video you will learn how to create a new
custom webpart as a Sandboxed solution.
See the Video Sandbox Soltuion in SharePoint 2010


Alertas Sharepoint 2010 – Custom template

SharePoint Foundation includes Pre-defined alert templates for e-mail and SMS messages
Pre-defined Alert Template Location: %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\XML
SharePoint Foundation includes Pre-defined alert templates for e-mail and SMS messages
Pre-defined Alert Template Location: %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\XML
Email Template: AlertTemplates.xml
SMS Template: AlertTemplates_SMS.xml
Template includes information such as the format, contents and properties for the alert email and SMS messages.

Customize alerts
(1) Create a copy of the xml template file that you need to change – AlertTemplates.xml and AlertTemplates_SMS.xml
(2) Modify the copy of the alert template file – (The original template file should not be modified)
You can make changes to the template such as add a button/link, include an image or privacy information, modify the look of the alert etc.
To customize the appearance of alerts, modify the css by using the Format element.
Resource variables listed within the template definition file, such as $Resources:Alerts_anything_filter_shortname, can be found in core.resx (in the local_drive\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\Resources folder)
If you are modifying any element other than the Format element, both the email and the SMS templates should be modified, in parallel – the 2 templates should be in sync except for the Format element.
(3) Load the custom templates by using the command: stsadm -o updatealerttemplates. I haven’t found a direct equivalent Powershell command.
If both, the email and the SMS template are updated, the UpdateAlertTemplates command needs to be run twice, once for each of the two files.
(4) Restart IIS
(5) The SharePoint Timer service may need to be restarted.

sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2011

Integración de Office 2010 y Sharepoint 2010

Algunas de las opciones que ofrece la integración de Office 2010 y Sharepoint 2010:

  1. Ver lista en vista de hoja de datos
  2. Exportar a Excel
  3. Editar documentos en Office
  4. Crear nuevo documento en base a una plantilla de Office
  5. Publicar documentos desde Office en Sitios en Bibliotecas de Sharepoint
  6. Conectar calendarios compartidos de Sharepoint en Outlook
  7. Conectar listas de tareas compartidas de Sharepoint en Outlook
  8. Editar metadatos de un documento en base al tipo de contenido

Compare SharePoint Editions

Microsoft ha preparado un espacio donde podemos conocer de una forma rápida y visual el listado de funcionalidades de las diferentes versiones de la plataforma Sharepoint:

  • Foundation (Gratuita)
  • Standard
  • Enterprise

Además de verlas todas también se pueden consultar por cada grupo funcional.

A continuación el enlace:

viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

Browser Support Sharepoint 2010




En el siguiente link, las limitaciones de cada navegador:

Trick the Sharepoint Query String (URL)

Adding some parameters in the URL i.e. QuerySting gives some bonus , specially for the pages where “EditPage” is not available from Site Settings.

It Even works if there is no SiteSettings assigned to user( Should we take it as BIGsecurity BUG ?  )

For example there is no “Edit Page” Option available in any of lists “NewFrom.aspx”. so there is no other way then to go in sharepoint designer and then edit the page.

But this way is more easier, as to just trick the URL and you will have NewForm.aspx in Edit Mode in Browser. !!!!!!

The possible parameters with values are :

Add Web Parts/Browse

Add Web Parts/Search

Edit Mode

View Mode

Shared Mode

Personal Mode

Different combinations of this parameters gives some time saving benefit of editing the same page in designer.

So for example, say you wanted to edit the Shared view of the default page:

Say you wanted to Browse web parts and add them to your Personal view:

- Put page in Webpart Maintenance mode

placing ?contents=1 in query string(URL) lets user to have a page in webpart maintenance mode, where its possible to reset or delete any of webparts of that page.
This helps specially when some webpart is mal functioning or having error, and due to it entire page is not able to load.

e.g    AllItems.aspx?contents=1 will open
Web Part Page Maintenance: AllItems



Límite de filas de Busines Conectivity Service

Tras configurar una lista externa al acceder a ella  nos encontramos con este error.
"No se puede mostrar este elemento web. Para obtener información sobre cómo solucionar el problema, abra esta página web en un editor HTML compatible con Microsoft SharePoint Foundation, como Microsoft SharePoint Designer. Si el problema persiste, póngase en contacto con el administrador del servidor web."
Si vamos a los logs e investigamos nos encontramos con el siguiente error que ya nos da pistas de como resolverlo.
"Error while executing web part: Microsoft.BusinessData.Runtime.ExceededLimitException: El conector de bases de datos limitó la respuesta. La respuesta de la base de datos contiene más de '2000' filas. La cantidad máxima de filas que se pueden leer a través del conector de base de datos es '2000'. El límite puede cambiarse mediante el cmdlet 'Set-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig'...."
El problema es el límite por defecto de filas que se pueden obtener en una cosulta mediante el Business Conectivity Service.
La solución pasa por cambiar este valor por defecto para lo que necesitamos acceder al Powershell y seguir los siguientes pasos
"Obtener el proxy de Business Conectivity Service"

$bdcProxy = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy | where{$_.GetType().FullName -eq('Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.SharedService.' + 'BdcServiceApplicationProxy')}

"Obtener las reglas del proxy de BCS"

$dbRule = Get-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig -ScopeDatabase -ThrottleType Items -ServiceApplicationProxy$bdcProxy

Si ahora escribes $dbRule  verás los valores actuales.
Scope: Database
ThrottleType: Items
Enforced: True
Default : 2000
Max: 1000000
Para cambiarlos haz lo siguiente.

Set-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig -Identity $dbRule -Maximum 1000000 -Default 3000

Con esto ya podrás visualizar listas externas que tengan hasta 100000 registros (o el valor que tu le pongas)

